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일시 : 2023-09-06 09:00

SDGs and Its Implementation in North Korean Cities


시작일시 : 2023년 09월 06일 09시 00분

장소 : CCMM빌딩(국민일보빌딩) 12층 컨벤션홀 Convention Hall, CCMM 12F, Seoul

종료일시 : 2023년 09월 06일 17시 00분

카테고리 : 국제학술대회



2023 International Conference

SDGs and Its Implementation in North Korean Cities 


Welcome and Opening Remarks 

 - Welcome Remark: Beomsik Jang, President, Soongsil University 

 - Congratulatory Remart: Jung-Hun Cho, Founder, Liberal Transition Korea Party 

 - Keynote Speaker: Elizabeth Salmón, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 


Session 1-1. North Korean Cities and SDGs 

 - Session Moderator: Sojin Lim, Professor, University of Central Lancashire  

 - Presentation 1 Food: Sandra Fahy, Professor, Carleton University 

 - Discussant: Eunlee Joung, Director, Korea Institute for National Unification 

 - Presentation 2 Education: Hwanbo Park, Professor, Chungnam National University 

 - Discussant: Seungsoo Ham, Senior Research Fellow, Soongsil Institute for Peace and Unification  


Session 1-2. North Korean Cities and SDGs  

 - Session Moderator: Frederic Spohr, Head of FNF Korea  

 - Presentation 1 Environment: Ji Hyung Park, Professor, School of Public Administration, Soongsil University 

 - Discussant: Booyeul Kim, Professor, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul National University  

 - Presentation 2 Gender: Jinah Kwon, Senior Research Fellow, Soongsil Institute for Peace and Unification 

 - Discussant: Robert Rudolf, Professor, Graduate School of International Studies, Korea University  


Session 2. SDGs and Preconditions in Implementation 

 - Session Moderator: Imesh Pokharel, Deputy Representative, OHCHR Seoul 

 - Presentation 1: Gyubin Choi, Research Fellow, Korea Institute for National Unification 

 - Discussant: Kyung-yon Moon, Professor, School of International Studies, Jeonbuk National University  

 - Presentation 2: James Heenan, Representative, OHCHR Seoul 

 - Discussant: Sojin Lim, Professor, University of Central Lancashire  

 - Presentation 3: Hyun-Ah Choi, Senior Researcher, Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea 

 - Discussant: Sihyo Lee, Senior Research Fellow, Soongsil Institute for Peace and Unification 


Session 3. Wrap-Up Roundtable 

 - Mediator: Sung-Bae Kim, Professor Emeritus, Soongsil University





